Early Childhood Program

Welcome to the Early Childhood Department of NAC!

Our Philosophy

The early years are the most important years of your child’s education. Whatever gets planted in those first years, stays with them for the rest of their life. This is why it is very important to allow enough time for every child to progress and grow at his/ her own pace. Narmer Early Childhood teachers are facilitators who give students opportunities to develop skills through hands-on, critical thinking activities. Through differentiated instruction, each child will show their strengths in various areas of learning when they feel the proper readiness.


The curriculum across the Early Childhood department is carefully designed and based on the British EYFS (Early Years Foundation Standards), and the American CCS (Common Core Standards). Both divisions have the same long-term developmental goals, implemented through a detailed curriculum and supplemental materials. Part of our instruction includes monthly themes, which are basically science and social studies topics, integrated with our common core subjects (Literacy and Numeracy). We believe the children’s understanding
of the surrounding world at this age is vital; it builds their perspectives and opinions, and
opens their eyes to the world.

Learning Centers

All of our classrooms are centers-based learning environments. Each center focuses on a different skill, where children get to explore a new concept/idea through different activities. Our instructional methodology is based on the “Learning Through Play” approach. Teachers design lessons where children get to practice a newly taught concept through playing and exploring, using different materials (i.e. building blocks, manipulates, painting…etc.) to improve their skill level.

Contact EC’s Leadership Team:

✘ Ms. Lisa Anyon: EC’s Principal


✘ Ms. Nora Kalban: EC’s Academic Coordinator


✘ Ms. Marian Adel Nassif: EC’s Administrative Assistant


✘ Ms. Shahinaz Farouk: EC’s Coordinator
